Carpool or CarShare

Carpool: Share a UCCS Parking Permit





Benefits of Carpooling

  1. You save money on gas, parking, and vehicle wear and tear.
  2. Sharing driving duties reduces stress
  3. Carpooling offers the opportunity to develop new friendships with other commuters.
  4. Fewer cars on the raod reduces traffic congestion and pollution.
Rent university owned vehicles to drive to off-campus university events/meetings.
Priority Carpool Parking
UCCS offers priority parking spaces in lot 224 for groups with a valid UCCS parking permit.
(groups of two or more)
Waze Carpool
Find a Carpool!
An app based service that matches drivers and riders who are commuting at similar times via similar routes.

The driver gets paid $.54 a mile, or can choose a set fee and the riders gets a low cost ride.

Matches are easy to make and can be close to real-time, and if things don't work out with your carpool partner you just choose a different one the nest day.