Motor Pool Reservations and Information

Motor Pool Reservations and Information

Motor Pool will be available for use on a limited basis. It is the responsibility of the users to disinfect and clean the vehicles after each use.


Vehicles rented through Motor Pool or a state approved vendor can only be used for official UCCS business.


Motor Pool reservations must be made through Easy Rent Pro.


To submit an online trip ticket after returning a UCCS Motor Pool vehicle please click here

Only a limited number of Motor Pool vehicles are available. Drivers must have a valid US Driver's license, department approval, and provide a University Speed Type to operate a Motor Pool vehicle. Approved drivers on official business are provided with full insurance coverage.

A completed pre/post trip document, motor pool trip ticket, and fuel receipts must be returned with the keys at the end of the reservation period or additional charges accrue. All reservations are from midnight to midnight.

Due to safety and insurance concerns, please see the additional information below regarding restrictions and taining requirements for 15 passenger van use.

Operators of University vehicles must be familiar with UCCS Administrative Policy Statement 400-007 Motor Vehicle Acquisitions Operations, particularly the information related to appropriate use and accident reporting. Damage to a Motor Pool vehicle may result in your Speed Type being charged a $1,000 deductible.


15-passenger vans
Motor Pool Rates
Vehicles available through Motor Pool
State Contracts for car and commercial vehicles
Personal Vehicle
Questions or need additional information?