Gateway Garage
1420 Austin Bluffs Pkwy
Colorado Springs, CO
USA 80918
Parking: 719-255-3528
Transportation: 719-255-3528
For employees who have extensive and frequent loading/unloading needs throughout the entire year, a loading zone permit is available at no cost. This permit, when accompanied by a valid UCCS parking permit, allows the employee to park in designated time-restricted parking spaces and campus loading docks for up to one hour.
Free loading zone permits are ONLY offered to employees who have also purchased a valid UCCS parking permit for the area they wish to park in.
To request a loading zone permit, the UCCS employee making the request will need to click the link below and log in with their UCCS credentials. Once the form has been completed, the Parking office will process your request.
Gateway Garage
1420 Austin Bluffs Pkwy
Colorado Springs, CO
USA 80918
Parking: 719-255-3528
Transportation: 719-255-3528