Gateway Garage
1420 Austin Bluffs Pkwy
Colorado Springs, CO
USA 80918
Parking: 719-255-3528
Transportation: 719-255-3528
Your license plate is your permit. You must register for a permit AND register your license plate(s) in your parking portal. You are not purchasing a reserved parking space.
Entering license plate number(s) is a REQUIREMENT when registering for a permit.
Multiple vehicles (resident permits excluded) may be associated with a single permit. However, only a single vehicle from a permit may be on campus. If you bring a different car on campus that isn't on your permit, you must log into your parking portal and add the license plate. If you have hit the maximum number of license plates that may be associated with your permit, you must delete a license plate, and add the new one.
Commuter Students
Residential Students
Gateway Garage
1420 Austin Bluffs Pkwy
Colorado Springs, CO
USA 80918
Parking: 719-255-3528
Transportation: 719-255-3528