Gateway Garage
1420 Austin Bluffs Pkwy
Colorado Springs, CO
USA 80918
Parking: 719-255-3528
Transportation: 719-255-3528
Vendors are defined as individuals from companies who are parking on the UCCS campus for the sole purpose of servicing/maintaining University equipment (ex., copiers, elevators, fire systems, etc.). As such, these companies may request a vendor permit, allowing them to park in time-restricted parking spaces and loading docks for up to one hour. If no time-restricted parking space or loading dock is available, they may also park in Orange, Yellow & Blue (100-300 series) parking lots by displaying their vendor permit and registering their vehicle license plate(s) under this Vendor Program.
To apply for a complimentary Vendor permit, a representative from the company performing the maintenance will need to do the following:
Send a request to The request must:
1. Use an official company letterhead
2. List what type of UCCS equipment they will be servicing/maintaining
3. List the names and the vehicle license plates of all individuals using the vendor permit
4. Demonstrate your specific need to access these loading zones is extensive, frequent, and long-term (continuous throughout the year) and would normally exceed the posted allowable time. If your on campus for a short-term need such as a one-time fix to a piece of equipment and you won't be back on campus again for several months or longer, this permit is not for you. Please call the parking office instead if your need is not long-term and frequent throughout the year.
5. Provide a signature on this company letterhead from an official at the company authorized to approve such a request.
6. Email completed request on company letterhead to
*Your license plate is your permit!* If you need to change the license plates associated with your permits, please contact at least 2 business days before parking on campus.
DID YOU KNOW: Salespeople conducting business with UCCS are NOT considered vendors by our definition; therefore, they are not allowed to participate in this program.
All individuals listed on the company letterhead must be free of the following restrictions prior to being issued a Vendor permit:
RESTRICTIONS: Individuals who may NEVER be issued Vendor permits include, but are not limited to:
1. Individuals currently enrolled as a student at UCCS, regardless of credit hour load
2. Individuals who are current UCCS employees (staff or faculty members), including part-time, full-time, or temporary employees
3. Individuals who are selling products, materials or equipment and are not specifically on campus to service or maintain university equipment
1. Individuals found to be in violation of the above rules and regulations are subject to a loss of parking privileges at UCCS. If fraud or forgery is involved, the individual is subject to criminal charges as defined in the Colorado Revised Statutes.
2. Companies found to be in violation of the above rules and regulations are subject to a loss of all Vendor parking permits until a time determined by the Executive Director of Parking & Transportation Services.
Gateway Garage
1420 Austin Bluffs Pkwy
Colorado Springs, CO
USA 80918
Parking: 719-255-3528
Transportation: 719-255-3528