Gateway Garage
1420 Austin Bluffs Pkwy
Colorado Springs, CO
USA 80918
Parking: 719-255-3528
Transportation: 719-255-3528
Parkmobile ZONE 3220
8am - 4pm:
4pm - 10pm:
Parkmobile ZONE 3210
8am - 4pm:
4pm - 10pm:
Parkmobile ZONE 3250
8am - 4pm:
4pm - 10pm:
Visitor pay stations (accepts cash or credit cards) are located on the third level of the Gateway Garage, the first level of the Alpine Garage, lot 170, lot 220, lot 222, lot 224, lot 572, lot 576, and lot 580. There are also several coin operated parking meters (which also accept credit cards) at various locations in many of the campus parking lots. Our maps are available on the Parking Maps page.
You may also purchase hourly/daily parking permits by using the third-party app "Parkmobile." To begin using this service, you will have to create a free account with ParkMobile. ParkMobile charges a $0.35 convenience fee per transaction.
Parkmobile has three zone numbers for the three parking zones at UCCS: Zone 3210 (Border 100 series parking lots), Zone 3220 (Central Campus 200 series parking lots), and Zone 3250 (500 series parking lots). Please include which zone you are parking in so that you are charged the correct hourly/daily rate.
ParkMobile can be accessed here or by using their Android or IPhone app.
Visitors may park for free (no permit registration required) on weekends (Saturdays & Sundays) throughout the year, on holidays the campus is closed, and during the breaks between each semester. However, please know that parking citations for parking in a fire lane, roadway, reserved space, unmarked stall, disabled space without display of state issued handicapped permit, timed zones, etc. are issued 24/7/365.
There are 11 pay station kiosks throughout the UCCS campus that are used for payment of visitor parking.
Gateway Garage
1420 Austin Bluffs Pkwy
Colorado Springs, CO
USA 80918
Parking: 719-255-3528
Transportation: 719-255-3528