Gateway Garage
1420 Austin Bluffs Pkwy
Colorado Springs, CO
USA 80918
Parking: 719-255-3528
Transportation: 719-255-3528
Your license plate is your permit. Permits, vehicles and citations are managed by logging into the Parking Portal.
You must register a vehicle to your permit before the first day of the semester to avoid citations!
You may enter only one license plate under your RES permit. If you bring a different car to campus, you will have to delete the original vehicle before adding the new vehicle. Unregistered vehicles may result in a citation even though a valid permit was purchased. It is the responsibility of each resident to log into the parking portal and keep their vehicle information current and valid.
Paid parking permits are not enforced on weekends in all 100, 200, 300, and 500 series lots on campus is allowed. However, fire lanes, loading zones, reserved/restricted spaces, handicapped stalls, etc. are enforced by Parking Services and/or Campus Police 24/7/365.
Entering a license plate number is a REQUIREMENT to avoid citations.
Please see our regulations page for a listing of all restrictions while parking on UCCS campus.
Gateway Garage
1420 Austin Bluffs Pkwy
Colorado Springs, CO
USA 80918
Parking: 719-255-3528
Transportation: 719-255-3528